Annual Public Expose

In accordance with the regulations of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (“IDX”) through the Board of Directors Decree of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia Number: Kep-00066/BEI/09-2022 dated September 30, 2022 Regarding Changes to Regulation Number I-E Regarding the Obligation to Submit Information, Item III.3 Regarding the Obligation of Annual Public Expose, the Company held a Public Expose event on December 20, 2023, located at Catur Dharma Hall, 5th Floor Astra Tower, Jakarta. The Annual Public Expose presentation is delivered by members of the Company’s Board of Directors.
Dealer Reward Tour to Europe

On November, 16 - 27, 2023, the Company organized a reward tour titled Incredible Europe as a form of appreciation for the best 20 used car showroom nationwide who have contributed and achieved targets in 2022.
This reward tour is expected to strengthen the relationship between the owners of the used car showroom and the Company and can increase the contribution as well as competitiveness against competitors.
Sustainable Finance Action Plan Training

The Company through MLI Learning Center has realized the implementation of the Sustainable Finance Action Plan 2023 Training with the theme of Implementation of the Sustainable Finance Action Plan (SFAP) 2023, November 10, 2023. This activity aims to increase knowledge in understanding sustainable finance programs with the latest developments, integrating social, environmental, and governance risks in the Company’s business activities, and understanding the development of Sustainable Finance products and/or services selectively to members of the Company’s credit committee.
Participation was followed by all employees with external parties namely from the Trisakti Sustainability Center.
Anti-Money Laundering and the Prevention of Terrorism Financing (AML-PTF) Training

In July 5, 2023, MLI Learning Center realized the implementation of AML-PTF to all employees with external parties namely from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) as the speaker. in compliance to POJK No 12 /POJK.01/2017, concerning the Implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering Program and the Prevention of Terrorism Financing in the Financial Services Sector.
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) was held at Catur Dharma Hall, Menara Astra 5th floor, Jakarta. The AGMS was attended by members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Shareholders and Guests. The minutes of the AGMS have been published on the e-RUPS provider’s website, the Indonesia Stock Exchange’s website, and the Company’s website.
The Company still applies health and security protocols based on the first in first served method, with reference to Circular Letter Number 1 of 2023 concerning Health Protocols during the Transition Period of the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Endemic (COVID-19), room capacity based on the applicable rules and regulations of the Building Management where the AGMS is held and best practice.