CSER Activities
Teaching Support Facilities

As a form of the Company’s commitment to social and environment, the Company has carried out activity on October 5, 2023 at Taman Harapan 1 Bekasi High School. The social and environmental responsibility shown by the Company was providing facility to support teaching and learning activities at school.
The handout of supporting facilities for teaching and learning activities was received directly by Mr. Cahyono, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Principal of SMA Taman Harapan 1 Bekasi. The Company hopes that through this activity will make a positive contribution to the community, improve the quality of education, and develop the quality of human resources, especially the younger generation.

The Company together with the Association of Indonesian Finance Companies (“APPI”) gave donations for the victims of the Cianjur earthquake disaster. Together with 43 Companies under Non-Bank Financial Institutions. This donation was distributed by APPI through the Indonesian Red Cross (“PMI”) at the PMI Headquarters and received directly by PMI Chairman Mr. Jusuf Kalla.
The Company, represented by Mr. Andi Harjono as the Director of the Company, said that the Company also expressed its condolences for the disaster happened to our brothers and sisters in Cianjur, “Hopefully the donation that we give can ease their burden and can give them enthusiasm to get through these difficult times.” he said.
This Cianjur donation with APPI is part of a series of Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) programs that the Company has implemented every year. The Company continues to be committed to providing sustainable social responsibility programs that are right on target.
Teaching Support Facilities

The Company has a responsibility in the social sector which is shown through CSR activities held on October 21, 2021. One of the activities was to provide facilities for teaching and learning activities in schools.
The activity was located at SMK Pasarminggu, South Jakarta and was received directly by Mr Supardi as the Principal of SMK Pasarminggu. This was done so that the presence of the Company could provide benefits to SMK Pasarminggu students in the teaching and learning process.
Teaching Support Facilities

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company had carried out Financial Literacy activities in webinars. On that occasion, the Company also carried out CSR activities by giving out school facilities.
Teaching Support Facilities

In order to carry out the mandate of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 1/POJK.07/2013 Article 14 concerning Consumer Protection of the Financial Services Sector and Circular of the Financial Services Authority Number 1/SEOJK.07/2014 the Education Implementation Plan to Enhance Financial Literacy towards the Consumer and/or Society, on October 31, 2019,
The Company conducted the Education at the Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Negeri 20 Jakarta. In this activity, the Company also carries out CSR activities by providing teaching and learning support facilities, namely, 1 unit of Laptop and 1 Unit of Printer.